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Celebrate a New and Better You With Celebrate Vitamins


Following weight-loss surgery, patients are limited as to how much they can eat as the procedure utilizes staples or bands to reduce the stomach to only about 10 percent of what it was. Because the surgery makes the stomach smaller, it can be difficult to receive the vitamins and minerals needed for good health. The body may also have problems absorbing nutrients in addition to the lack of nutrition in the diet, ultimately leading to malnutrition.

Post-bariatric patients may experience lightheadedness or even fainting due to lack of essential nutrients, and malnutrition often causes moodiness and irritability as well as sluggishness, a weaker immune system, hair loss, tooth decay and overall premature aging. It may also cause weight gain due to a slower metabolism that often results with the loss of muscle and lack of nutrition.

Celebrate Vitamins offers a perfect solution for bariatric surgery patients with the highest quality vitamin supplements available at the most affordable prices. As every product in the line is developed by medical professionals, you can rest assured that each includes levels of vitamins that are considered safe for bariatric patients.

Bariatric surgeons typically suggest taking daily multivitamins following any type of weight loss surgery. Chewable and liquid vitamins are often recommended as they can be more easily absorbed and are not as likely to result in digestive problems such as an ulcer or heartburn.

Celebrate Vitamins Multi-ADEK is a great tasting chewable multivitamin with all of the essential vitamins and minerals in the levels that are appropriate for weight loss surgery patients.

As calcium is essential for all patients undergoing bariatric surgery in order to support good bone health, Celebrate Vitamins Calcium Plus 500 is an excellent choice to be sure you’re meeting your body’s calcium needs. Each vitamin offers 500 milligrams of the most recommended form of calcium, calcium citrate. Of course, vitamin D is necessary in order to help the body absorb calcium. Calcium Plus also contains 800 IU of vitamin D, the highest level available in a bariatric protocol, as well as magnesium which is also important for bone health.

The post Celebrate a New and Better You With Celebrate Vitamins appeared first on Nashua Nutrition Blog.

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